Special Awards
Laurie Baartz Memorial Trophy:
Laurie Baartz was the Association's Manager for Coaching from 1982 until his untimely death in 1984. The award is open to boys and girls of all age groups and recognises personal improvement over a range of events within four event groupings over a nominated ten week period.
1987/1988 Gavin Macauley
1989/1990 Garth Silva
1990/1991 Christine Lucas
1992/1993 Gilbert Cogil
2015/2016 Meeka Kilbride
Graham Cogil Memorial Medallion:
Graham was a Life member of Strathpine Little Athletics. He was awarded the inaugural QLAA Volunteer of the year Award in 1998 for his volunteer work that he did for Strathpine Little Athletics at John Oxley Reserve. Graham passed away in 2005. This award is presented in Graham’s memory and is presented to our centre nominee for the LAQ Laurie Baartz Award – which is based on the most improvements in the major event groupings for a 10 week period.
2006/2007 David Andrew
2007/2008 David Andrews
2008/2009 Dominic Ceolin
2009/2010 Kirra Beattie
2010/2011 Emma Pearce
2011/2012 Jaimy Bruce
2012/2013 Beau Acworth
2013/2014 Jayden Krushka
2014/2015 Hayden Furness
2015/2016 Meeka Kilbride
2016/2017 Kiana Henare
2017/2018 Harrison Mutch
2018/2019 Tristan Higham
2019/2020 Lucille Ivosevac
2020/2021 Allira Mancini
2021/2022 Perla Maizey
2022/2023 Taj Brogan
Brian Leadbetter Memorial Medallion:
Committee Member, Coach and Official, Brian Leadbetter sadly passed away in November 2006 after a short battle with cancer. Brian had been a member of Strathpine Little Athletics for 9 years. It was as a jumps coach that Brian implemented a successful pre-season high jump clinic for Under 12 athletes progressing from the scissors to the flop jump concept. In his memory, the Brian Leadbetter Memorial Medallion is awarded to the athlete from the U11 age group who has best demonstrated the Fosbury Flop technique in High Jump. The athlete must have been at the Centre the previous year.
2006/2007 Merinda Ninyette
2007/2008 Kerri Smith
2008/2009 Haydn Lane
2009/2010 Harley Arrowsmith
2010/2011 Tahlia Perry
2011/2012 Jonah Mead
2012/2013 Ben White
2013/2014 Riley Maxworthy
2014/2015 Nakita Glasse
2015/2016 Riley Mann
2016/2017 Imogen Tonges
2017/2018 Jacob Wheatley
2018/2019 Lachlan Davis
2019/2020 Chelsea Boyle
2020/2021 Allira Mancini
2021/2022 Braxton Hunt
2022/2023 Kirsty Douglas
RAAF ‘Spirit of the Spitfire’ Award:
In keeping with our proud relationship with the Pine Rivers RAAF Association, a perpetual award is generously donated by the Pine Rivers branch RAAF Association. This will be awarded to the Strathpine athlete who achieves the highest points score at our annual pentathlon event.
At this event, athletes compete in 5 events comprising usually of a sprint race, distance race, hurdle race, jump event and throw event. Their performance in each event is awarded points weighted against the current Strathpine Centre Best performance for that event and age group. We believe that this criteria recognises an athlete who demonstrates a high level of ability in multiple events, as well as providing equal opportunity for all athletes to receive the award.
2010/2011 Tahlia Perry
2011/2012 Chloe Gould
2012/2013 Ella Booker
2013/2014 Ella Booker
2014/2015 Trista Hockey
2015/2016 Noah Wright
2016/2017 Kody Hockey
2017/2018 Hayden Furness
2018/2019 Aaliyah Bourke
2019/2020 Lachlan Bealing
2020/2021 Ebony Boschma
2021/2022 Lachlan Wise
2022/2023 Brock Miller
George Harvey Award:
George is considered by many to be the patriarch of Little Athletics in Queensland and was the LAAQ President from 1979 to 1989. In 1989, he stepped down to take on the role of President of the Australian Little Athletics Union; a position he held until 1994. From 1994 to 1996, he held the position of CEO of QLAA. The George Harvey Award is restricted to athletes with a minimum of six years involvement and who display Leadership, Respect, Perseverance, Sportsmanship, Enthusiasm and who are Ambassadors for Little Athletics.
1995/1996 Trent Purdon
2015/2016 Tahlia Perry & Joshua Perry
2020/2021 Ebony Boschma
Strathpine Little Athletics Centre Sportsmanship Award:
The SLA Sportsmanship Award is presented to the athlete that best demonstrates the spirit of sportsmanship at our centre. Nominees for this award are put forward by members of the centre committee as the season progresses. To be nominated for this award, athletes must demonstrate:
Exemplary conduct at all times
Leadership skills through helping and supporting other athletes
A high level of commitment to athletics – attending training and competition nights regularly.
2013/2014 Josh Brown
2014/2015 Ewan Tanner
2015/2016 Chloe Gould
2016/2017 Meeka Kilbride
2017/2018 Sean Brackin
2018/2019 Pyper Frazer
2019/2020 Noah Boschma
2020/2021 Lachlan Wise
2021/2022 Connor Yeadon
2022/2023 Sam Lition
Australian Little Athletics Championships:
This a national one day event involving teams of Under 13 athletes from all eight State and Territory Associations. Each State is limited to a team of thirteen boys and thirteen girls competing over several events. The competition emphasizes all round ability. A separate Under 15 Multi-Event Championship with three boys and three girls from each State also compete in a Pentathlon of Sprint Hurdles, 100m, 800m, Long Jump and Discus.
1978/1979 D. Kling, J. Manion & B. O’Sullivan
1985/1986 A. Swanborough
1987/1988 A. Nash
1988/1989 A. Swanborough & G. Scully
1989/1990 B. Swanborough
1990/1991 K. Purdon
1993/1994 R. Vis
1995/1996 F. Solomon, B. Johns & J. Plowright
1996/1997 M. Ward
1997/1998 S. Collier
1998/1999 J. Stickler & B. Perske
1999/2000 T. Anderson & S. Collie
2000/2001 A. Psaltis & C. Crowley
2001/2002 S. Simpson & D. Ward
2003/2004 E. Jackson
2005/2006 T. Murphy
2007/2008 J. Osborne & D. Andrews
2008/2009 B. Tesch & K. Peina
2011/2012 T. Perry & A. Brackin
2012/2013 J. Mead
2013/2014 J. Krushka
2014/2015 J. Hockey
2022/2023 N. Amorsen & D. Manley
Centre Captains:
Athletes in the U15 to U17 age group may nominate for the position of Centre Captain or Vice-Captain to be elected by their peers. Voting is done by those eligible athletes from U13 to U17 age groups. All eligible athletes vote for both the Girls and Boys Centre Captains and Vice-Captains.
1993/1994 Renee Buttenshaw & Ben De Young
1994/1995 Michelle Hall & Rowan Gollan
1995/1996 Kristy Jones & Trent Purdon
1996/1997 Cathy Taylor & Matthew Hall
1997/1998 Bronwyn Johns & Matthew Hall
1998/1999 Tegan Gollan & Mark Ward
1999/2000 Samantha Collier & Grant Purdon
2000/2001 Jacky Stickler & Ben Perske
2001/2002 Tamara Anderson & Mark Eley
2002/2003 Laine Spooner & Cameron Crowley
2003/2004 Emma Baker & Mitchell Tesch
2004/2005 Rachael Day & Lizzie Pascoe
2005/2006 Michaella Harrison & James Noyes
2006/2007 Samantha Tesch & Cameron Lane
2007/2008 Rachael Maher & Toby Murphy
2008/2009 Kate Sheahan & Ryan Boxsell
2009/2010 Monique King & Jacob Butterworth
2010/2011 Jackson Condon & Kamaia Peina
2011/2012 Nic White & Haydn Lane
2012/2013 Nic White & Tegan Protheroe
2013/2014 Brock McLean (C), Tahlia Perry (C), Jason Cameron (VC) & Kirra Beattie (VC)
2014/2015 Joshua Perry (C), Tahlia Perry (C), Ewan Tanner (VC) & Jesse Langton (VC)
2015/2016 Ewan Tanner (C), Kirra Beattie (C), Joshua Perry (VC) & Jesse Langton (VC)
2016/2017 Ben White (C), Meeka Kilbride (C), Joshua Perry (VC) & Isabella Turner (VC)
2017/2018 Jayden Krushka (C), Meeka Kilbride (C), Sean Brackin (VC) & Isabella Turner (VC)
2018/2019 Ebony Boschma & Pyper Frazer
2019/2020 Ebony Boschma & Pyper Frazer
2020/2021 Ebony Boschma (C) & Xana Donaghy (C), Jesse Hare (VC) &
2021/2022 Noah Boschma (C), Scarlett Frazer (C), Teikia Ryalls (VC) & Sophie Bretherton (VC)
2022/2023 Teikia Ryalls (C), Scarlett Frazer (C), Noah Boschma (VC) & Sophie Bretheron (VC)
Volunteer of the Year Award:
This award recognises an outstanding volunteer in a Queensland Little Athletics centre. It is judged by the State Board of Management following nominations from centres throughout Queensland. There is only one award each year based on the current year's involvement.
LAQ Distinguished Merit Award:
Awarded to nominees with a minimum of twelve years of service at Centre level who have shown a clear commitment to furthering the growth and development of the Centre and of Little Athletics in general. This is a most prestigious award and only persons with highest credentials and integrity are considered for this award by the Association.
2011/2012 Ron Buttenshaw
LAQ Merit Award:
Awarded to nominees with a minimum of seven years service at Centre level who have shown a clear commitment to furthering the growth and development of the Centre. Only ten awards are approved by the Association each year.
1993/1994 Ron Buttenshaw
1996/1997 Paul Purdon and Keith Frey
1997/1998 Peter Hall
1998/1999 Marion Purdon, Dave Gollan
1999/2000 Alison Taylor and Ron Perske
2001/2002 Don Stickland
2011/2012 Darryl Tesch
2014/2015 Sonny Roberts
LAQ Service Awards:
These awards are awarded to Centre members with varying years service to LAQ during which time they have demonstrated the desire to foster the aims of Little Athletics within the Centre and the Community and have shown a level of commitment higher than that expected of a normal Centre parent. They would also have been involved for a period of time on the Centre Committee and assisted at other levels of the Association (e.g. officiating / coaching / administration).
30 Year Award:
2014 Ron Buttenshaw
20 Year Award:
2008 Marion & Paul Purdon
2009 Peter Hall
2017 Darryl Tesch
15 Year Award:
2007 Don Aitchison
2015 Sonny Roberts
10 Year Award:
2000 Keith Frey
2001 Don Stickland
2002 Kym Aitchison
2002 Michelle Psaltis
2002 Ron Perske
2005 John Collier
2005 Michelle Bartlett
2005 Tony & Pam Ayton
2007 Tracey Tesch
2008 Tim & Toni Lane
2012 Jamie Buckler
2014 Donna Beattie
2014 Kylie Waltishbuhl
2014 Kay Mitchell
2015 Melissa Perry
2015 Greg & Vicki Langton
2017 Sylvia Scheenhouwer